10 Fruits That Are Good to Eat if You Have Diabetes

There are 10 fruits that are good to eat if you have diabetes, which show that you mustn't completely remove them from your diet…

Fruits are essential to your meals and are the perfect diabetes-friendly snack for blood sugar regulation. Even when you are watching your A1C, you can have fruits loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber which regulates blood sugar levels, decreasing your risk of type 2 diabetes.

The common misconception that diabetic people cannot eat fruit may be backed up by the fact that fruits can raise your blood sugar, which in turn elevates your A1C, making it harder for you to manage the condition. But, you do not need to avoid fruit entirely, instead you should make better choices on the type of fruits you eat and the quantity too.

How do you pick these fruits that are good to eat if you have diabetes? Although produce like apples, berries, citrus, and apricots are good for your A1C and overall well-being, you must be smart about counting the carbs, tracking what you eat, and practicing portion control.

Some other healthy practices for you include, eating whole natural fruits, avoiding syrups or any processed fruits with artificial sugar that might spike your blood sugar. Stay on the produce aisle and freezer section when grocery shopping, choose whole fruits that are low on the glycemic index or glycemic load.

These steps will ensure that your blood sugar stays within a healthy range, in turn lowering your risk to diabetic complications, nerve damage, kidney disease, glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, heart disease, and stroke.

Fruits That Are Good To Eat If You Have Diabetes

  1. Berries
  2. Tart Cherries
  3. Apples
  4. Pears
  5. Peaches
  6. Strawberry
  7. Bananas
  8. Kiwi
  9. Apricots
  10. Oranges

1. Berries

Berries are termed as superfoods by the American Diabetes Association. They are refreshing and contain disease fighting Antioxidants.

Whether you fancy blueberries, strawberries or any other kind of berry, you are allowed to eat them. The ADA classifies berries as diabetes superfood because they are filled with antioxidants and fiber.

A cup of fresh blueberries is 84 calories, and 21 grams (g) of carbohydrates. However, resist the urge to just pop them into your mouth like that. Instead, try a healthier way to eat berries which is combining them with parfait or alternating layers of fruit with plain nonfat yogurt for dessert or breakfast.

2. Tart Cherries

Next on the list of fruits that are good to eat if you have diabetes, are tart cherries. Tart cherries aid in fighting inflammation.

A cup of cherries has 52 calories and 12.5 grams carbs, and they are great for fighting inflammation in diabetics.

Tart cherries are also loaded with antioxidants that ward off heart diseases, cancer and other diseases.

You can buy cherries fresh, canned, frozen, or dried. However, since most canned and dried fruits contain artificial sugar which can increase your blood sugar, ensure that you check the labels. Or just stick to eating fresh cherries in moderation.

3. Apples

Apples are filled with fiber and most of it is in the peel, so don't peel it off! This makes them an excellent snacking choice for you. Eat them with peanut or almond butter to get an extra shot of protein.

There are various types of apples that have different benefits. Some of them might give you more hydration, while others may have better texture.

However, there are no better or worse apples for people with diabetes. Apples you'll find in the supermarket or the ones that are widely available are good. Just go for the smaller ones.

Stick to 1 serving which equals 1 apple.  A serving contains 95 calories, 0.3 gram fat (0.1 gram saturated), 25 grams carbs, 19 gram sugar, 2 milligram sodium, 4.4 gram fiber, and 0.5 gram protein.

4. Pears

Pears contain healthy fiber and vitamin K making them the perfect crunchy snack. There is a study that suggests that eating whole Bartlett and Starkrimson pears may help you manage type-2 diabetes.

Furthermore, fruits with edible skins and peels such as pears, provide fiber. Fiber helps with blood sugar management and regulation, and can help you feel full.

Pears make a great addition to your diabetes meal plan. Also, unlike most fruits, they improve in flavor and texture after they've been picked. You can store pears at room temperature or in the refrigerator until they ripen and are good for eating.

Slice up a pear and put into a spinach salad. Take 1 serving which is 1 small pear.

Per serving is 102 calories, 0.2 grams  fat (0 gram saturated), 27 grams  carbs, 17 grams sugar, 2 milligram sodium, 6 grams fiber, 0.6 grams protein

5. Peaches

Peaches contain potassium which boosts metabolism. It is delicious when you eat it alone or put it in your iced tea.

It is an easy diabetic-friendly snack, and you can turn it into a smoothie by blending peach slices with low-fat buttermilk, crushed ice, and a dash of cinnamon or ginger.

Peaches also have bioactive compounds that might help fight obesity-related diabetes. And its edible skin provides fiber.

1 serving equals 1 medium peach. Per serving is 68 calories, 0.4 grams fat (0 g saturated), 17 grams carbohydrates, 15 grams sugar, 0 milligrammes sodium, 2.6 grams fiber, and 1.6 grams protein.

6. Strawberry

Strawberries contain antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C.

Serve them on top of oatmeal, yogurt, or mix it with spinach and walnuts for a sweet and savory salad.

1 serving of this fruit is 1 cup of berries.

7. Bananas

When selecting a banana from the bunch, choose one that is slightly green. This is because a well ripened banana has increased sugar content. 1 serving equals 1/2 banana.

8. Kiwi

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and potassium and is low in sugar, you can add it to your cottage cheese or yogurt. These fruits offer the same nutrients as berries and the same convenience as apples or peaches. Their seeds remain intact and provide the necessary fiber that regulates your blood sugar.

Kiwis exist all year round and can last in your refrigerator for seven days.

1 serving is 1.5 kiwis. Per serving 42 calories, 0.4 grams fat (0 gram saturated), 10 grams carbs, 6 grams sugar, 2 milligrams sodium, 2.1 gram fiber, and 0.8 gram protein.

9. Apricot

Apricots are rich in fiber, making it a wonderful addition to your diet.  You can mix diced apricots into hot or cold cereal or put some into a salad.

One apricot has 17 calories and 4 grams of carbohydrates. 4 fresh apricots can give you 134 micrograms of your daily dose of vitamin A, 15 % of your DV and 3 grams of fiber or 10% of the DV.

10. Oranges

Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C and one of the super foods recommended by the ADA. The fiber and vitamin C located in them, lowers your exposure to chronic diseases.

Like other citrus fruits, oranges are known for their vitamin C, which boosts immunity and heals wounds. Their pulp offers extra fiber and the slices aid in portion control.

They also provide hydration that'll help you meet your daily water intake and offer electrolytes too. Electrolytes regulate blood pressure and assist with muscle function.

1 serving equals 1 medium orange. 45 calories per serving, 0.1 grams fat (0 grams saturated), 11 grams carbs, 9 grams sugar, 0 milligrammes sodium, 2.3 grams fiber, 0.9 grams protein.

Healthy Ways To Take Fruits

These are healthy ways you can eat fruits, to regulate your blood sugar.

  1. Practice portion control. Especially with dried fruits.
  1. Eat fresh or frozen fruits. Processed fruits and canned fruits contain more carbs and can spike your blood sugar more.
  1. Check the label when you eat dried or processed sugar. They may contain added sugar and have little serving sizes.
  1. Don't overdrink fruit juice. Fruit juice doesn't have fiber that slows digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes like whole fruits does.
  1. Spread out your fruit consumption. Instead of two servings at once, eat one at breakfast, and another during lunch or as a midday snack.


Biting into a juicy piece of fruit can be hectic when you're diabetic, because you don't know how much you can eat to avoid spiking your blood sugar.

You worry how fruits fit into your diet. However, the natural fructose and glucose in fruits are different from the artificial stuff found in ice cream, cookies or soft drinks.

Some fruits like the ones we've mentioned here are okay to eat because they are packed with vitamins and minerals, and contain fiber which slows digestion, so that glucose slowly enters your bloodstream.

Fiber also makes you feel full faster and curbs cravings so that you don't overeat. This promotes healthy weight maintenance that can boost your insulin sensitivity and help you manage diabetes. Get tips on how to buy fruits in bulk online.